INNOCENT Eddie Gilfoyle
The Official Campaign Website

Chronology of some of the significant dates and developments in the case and in the Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign.
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4th June 1992
The body of Paula Gilfoyle was discovered hanging from a beam in the garage of Grafton Drive. The marital home of Eddie and Paula Gilfoyle. A Coroners Officer, a Police Surgeon, Detectives and a Scenes of Crime Officer attended at the house.
11th June 1992
Eddie is re-interviewed and tells the police that Paula told him that she had been having an affair.
8th July 1992
Eddie is re-arrested and interviewed regarding ESDA test letter and practice rope. Eddie's father Norman also arrested for assisting an offender namely Eddie.
August 1992
Eddie has a breakdown and is admitted to psychiatric unit at Clatterbridge Hospital.
7th September 1992
CPS give the go ahead to charge Eddie and he is arrested at the hospital and charged at the police station. Eddie remains in custody at Walton Prison until trial date. All allegations against Eddie's father, Norman, are withdrawn as he can account for his whereabouts in Liverpool on the day Paula died.
May 1993
Eddie's barrister writes to Eddie's solicitor about the lack of preparation for the trial.
10th June 1993
Eddie's trial commences.
3rd July 1993
Eddie is found guilty.
August 1993
Susan Caddick prepares dossier detailing over 100 complaints against the Merseyside Police. The complaint alleged serious misconduct, including the alleged finding of the so called practice rope found by a detective constable in the drawer of the garage three weeks after the Police Search Team had searched it. It had been one of the main features in the trial.
23rd November 1993
The Police Complaints Authority (PCA) agree to supervise the complaints raised in the dossier and agree to the appointment of Superintendent Gooch of the Lancashire Constabulary to reinvestigate the whole case.
January 1994
Eddie dismisses his Legal Team at trial and appoints Campbell Malone as his new solicitor.
27th July 1994
Detective Superintendent Gooch submits his final critical report to the PCA (The Gooch report)
31st July 1994
PCA issue a press release regarding concerns over the safety of Eddie's conviction
November 1994
The DPP informed the Gilfoyle family that there was insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of securing any conviction against any officer of the Merseyside Police force.
August 1995
The Merseyside Police claimed public interest immunity as regards to the Gooch Report. The high court grant Eddie's solicitors access to a copy of the Gooch Report but it is severely edited
September 1995
Eddie's appeal commences and lasts three days. Adjourned to October for judgement.
20th October 1995
Eddie's appeal against his conviction is dismissed by three Appeal Court Judges. They refused to admit Expert evidence and the findings by the Lancashire Constabulary contained within the ‘Gooch Report.’ Eddie is sent back to prison.
Late 1995 / early 1996
Channel 4 documentary series 'Trial & Error' start investigations into the case.
Spring 1996
Susan Caddick makes a second complaint against the Merseyside Police. Her complaint was against the senior investigating officer (SIO) a Detective Chief Inspector involved in the original investigation. PCA agree to supervise the complaint and appoint a senior investigating officer from the Cheshire Constabulary.
26th June 1996
'Trial & Error' broadcast documentary about Eddie's case.
23rd October 1996
The investigating officers report, (Cheshire Constabulary), was received by the PCA who passed the file to Chief Constable of Merseyside.
14th March 1997
The Police Complaints Authority (PCA) informed Susan Caddick that although part of her allegations in the complaint investigated by the Cheshire Police were substantiated, the SIO (the DCI now Superintendent) would receive advice from the Assistant Chief Constable of Merseyside.
17th July 1997
'Trial & Error' documentary re-broadcast on channel 4.
November 1997
The Gilfoyle family learn that the Detective Superintendent in charge of Wirral CID is about to retire from the Merseyside Police. This will save him from having to attend and face any forthcoming Disciplinary Hearing.
27th November 1997
National 48 hour Hunger Strike and demonstration outside the offices of the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) in Birmingham. Eddie and his family went without food for 48 hours and his family took part in the demonstration along with many other families of those wrongly convicted. Over a hundred prisoners in 24 jails across the country took part.
Late 1997/Early 1998
The Home Affairs Select Committee considering matters of public confidence regarding complaints against the police highlight Eddie's case. The delay in holding the disciplinary hearing (Lancashire inquiry) was one of the longest in the history of complaints against the police.
10th March 1998
Probate Hearing at Manchester Courts rule that the personal effects remaining at Eddies house in Grafton Drive are to be forfeited. Because of his incarceration Eddie was unable to attend. The case was brought by lawyers acting on behalf of Paula’s family. Any proceeds that might be left from the sale of his house will be decided at a further hearing.
May 1998
Disciplinary Hearing takes place. The SIO and detective constable in the original investigation face disciplinary charges. The Detective Superintendent in charge of Wirral CID retires and escapes the hearing. The charges against the two remaining officers are dismissed by the Chief Constable of Merseyside. The mysterious appearance of the so-called 'practice rope' forms no part of the hearing.
22nd November 1998
Justice for Eddie Gilfoyle Public Meeting in Liverpool. Chaired by actor and veteran campaigner Corin Redgrave.
5th March 1999
The Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign protested outside the Criminal Cases Review Commission office in Birmingham complaining about the delays in referring Eddies case back to the Court of Appeal. Within a fortnight the CCRC referred the case back to the Court of Appeal.
19th May 1999
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick speaks at a Public Meeting in Lancaster.
22nd July 1999
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick speaks at a Public Meeting in Castleford.
8th September 1999
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick speaks at a public meeting in Birmingham together with other speakers from miscarriage of justice cases.
14th September 1999
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick speaks at a fringe meeting to the annual TUC Conference in Brighton together with other miscarriage of justice cases.
October 1999
Eddie’s sister Sue Caddick spoke at meetings in Nottingham organised by Nottingham TUC and also spoke to law students at Manchester University.
11th December 1999
Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign held a ‘candlelight vigil’ outside HMP Wakefield.
1999 & 2000
Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign are involved in the setting up of Merseyside Against Injustice (MAI).
February 2000
A website which included an article outlining Eddie’s case was shut down after the company hosting the site received threatening letters from lawyers acting for the Police Federation.
3rd June 2000
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick spoke at a public meeting, (organised by the campaign) at Liverpool University on the censorship by the Police Federation of Eddie’s case on the internet. Many other miscarriage of justice campaigns took part.
October 2000
Eddie’s sister Sue Caddick spoke at a meeting in Cardiff organised by South Wales Liberty.
20th December 2000
Eddie’s second appeal was dismissed and Eddie was returned to prison. As with the first appeal in 1995, the appeal court judges would not admit into the appeal the findings uncovered in the Lancashire Constabulary re-investigation (the Gooch Report).
4th May 2001
The solicitor who represented Eddie at trial, Mr David Moore was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment for offences of dishonesty relating to the misappropriation of nearly £70,000 of clients money.
4th July 2001
The Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign attended a meeting in London organised by Eddie’s solicitor Campbell Malone. He is calling for the formation of an organised group of Lawyers to highlight the issue of miscarriage of justice cases and the arbitrary approach by the Court of Appeal to such cases.
February 2002
Eddie’s solicitor, Campbell Malone submits a second application to the Criminal Cases Review Commission.
June 2002
With the assistance of the Police Federation a Merseyside Detective involved in the original investigation, (the one who found the ‘practice rope’ in the drawer of the garage at Grafton Drive on 23rd June 1992) sued the Channel 4 ‘Trial & Error’ programme for defamation. The matter was settled out of Court without Channel 4 making any payment by way of damages.
11th November 2002
Desmond Browne QC and Mathew Nicklin QC who represented Channel 4 ‘Trial & Error’ programme in the defamation case provide a report for Eddie’s solicitor stating that in their opinion Eddies conviction is unsafe.
June 2003
Eddie is transferred to HMP Rye Hill in Warwickshire.
February 2004
Eddie’s father, Norman sadly passed away this month. Eddie was allowed to attend the funeral flanked by two prison guards but unfortunately they arrived late and Eddie missed the funeral service.
2004 & 2005
The second application that was submitted by Eddie’s solicitor Campbell Malone to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) is rejected.
Eddie appoints a new solicitor, Matt Foot of Birnberg & Pierce Solicitors, in London. He starts work on a fresh application to the CCRC and Eddie is transferred to HMP Buckley Hall in Rochdale.
The Times newspaper took an interest in the case and has since published numerous articles concerning the doubts they have about the safety of the conviction.
1st September 2008
Eddie was transferred to HMP Sudbury. This was significant because despite Eddie continually refusing to take part in any offending behaviour courses and continually protesting his innocence the establishment in Sudbury was a category ‘D’ prison or ‘open prison. Transfers to Category ‘D’ prisons are normally considered as being the first steps towards release.
21st November 2008
September 2009
Chris Huhne MP tabled a question in the House of Commons to ask the Solicitor General, Vera Baird QC on what dates did the CPS receive the relevant material in connection with the Humphreys investigation and reports. In 1992 the Humphreys investigation looked into the failings by police officers attending the scene of Paula’s death.
26th November 2009
The response from the Solicitor General, Vera Baird QC was received and placed into the House of Commons Library. The response was provided to the Solicitor General by the CPS on Merseyside.
12th June 2010
It was realised that the response from the Solicitor General, Vera Baird QC and placed into the House of Commons Library was factually incorrect. It was reported in the Times newspaper that an apology was given by the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve and also by the CPS. Vera Baird QC said “I have never, ever, ever knowingly mislead Parliament.”
28th July 2010
Eddie’s solicitor, Matt Foot attended at Bebington Police Station, Merseyside. Merseyside Police agreed that Matt Foot can inspect all of the exhibits in the case at the police station. However, the key physical exhibits were not provided, so he insisted that they be produced the following day.
29th July 2010
Eddie’s solicitor, Matt Foot returns to Bebington Police Station. Amongst other items was a black metal box which contained earlier diaries written by Paula between 1972 to 1981 together with other important documents. Until now these items (of significant relevance to the defence) had never been disclosed.
August 2010
Eddie’s solicitor, Matt Foot, submits a fresh application (over 200 pages) to the CCRC.
December 2010
Eddie is released on licence from HMP Sudbury. His licence imposed severe restrictions, including a restriction that he must not contact the press or the media either personally or through a third party. Not only was Eddie gagged, so too was his solicitor, his family and anyone else known to him. Eddie’s solicitors challenged the licence conditions that had been imposed by the Parole Board.
20th January 2011
The Parole Board under pressure from Eddie’s solicitors, the media (in particular the Times newspaper), lifted the gagging order so that Eddie would be allowed to speak to the media and proclaim his innocence.
21st March 2011
Eddie and his family did a press conference at the House of Lords hosted by Lord Hunt of Wirral. Eddie protested his innocence to the press and television media.
August 2011
Additional representations (over 80 pages) were submitted to the CCRC by Eddie’s solicitor, Matt Foot.
6th January 2012
The Times newspaper reports on the discovery of the metal box containing Paula’s earlier diaries and other material. The Times highlighted that the metal box and contents had not been previously disclosed to the defence for at least 16 years. The 1972 to 1981 diaries contained within the metal box described Paula’s troubled background and revealed a previous suicide attempt by Paula when she was a teenager. They also reveal details of her relationship with her then boyfriend, Mark Roberts who committed a brutal murder of a young girl. Following his conviction Paula continued her relationship with him for nearly a year while he was in prison.
8th January 2012
Eddie Gilfoyle is interviewed by Radio 4's Paddy O'Connell.
10th January 2012
Eddie and his sister, Susan Caddick discuss the case on the Victoria Derbyshire Programme on Radio 5 Live.
13th January 2012
Eddie and his sister, Sue Caddick appear on ITV’s Daybreak programme complaining about the non-disclosure of the metal box containing Paula’s earlier diaries and other material. Later that day Merseyside Police issue a statement as follows;-“Merseyside Police has endeavoured to be open and transparent in relation to the disclosure material (the metal box and diaries) reproduced in The Times last week. This material was provided to Mr Gilfoyle's defence solicitors by the Force in August 2010. It is important that we seek an independent investigation on this issue to make sure the people of Merseyside can continue to have confidence in how the force handles serious cases. In the interest of transparency and in light of comments made by Mr Gilfoyle in the media this week Merseyside Police has voluntarily referred the matter regarding the disclosure of material relating to the conviction of Mr Gilfoyle to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)."
13th January 2012
The Independent Police Complaints Commission issue a statement as follows;- "The IPCC has received a referral from Merseyside Police today in relation to matters connected to the Eddie Gilfoyle investigation. This referral relates to the circumstances surrounding the seizure and retention of a box containing the personal effects of Mrs Paula Gilfoyle. Mrs Gilfoyle died in 1993 and her husband, Eddie, was convicted subsequently of her murder. The IPCC will assess this referral to determine whether there are matters that would warrant an investigation with IPCC involvement."
20th January 2012
Times newspaper reports the response from the Independent Police Complaints Commission into whether or not the IPCC would investigate the non-disclosure of the metal box containing Paula’s earlier diaries and other material. The newspaper reports that yesterday the watchdog said the case fell outside its powers. The IPCC said: “The circumstances surrounding the seizure and retention of the box remain unclear. We understand the Chief Constable of Merseyside Police has asked Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary to identify another police force to conduct a full review.”
16th February 2012
Merseyside Police issue a statement into the non-disclosure of the metal box containing Paula’s earlier diaries and other material as follows;- ‘Humberside Police have, at our request, been appointed to carry out a review into the recovery of materials by officers from Lancashire Constabulary, and their subsequent disclosure by Merseyside Police to the defence team during 2010. Given the nature of that review, it would be inappropriate for us to comment further at this time.’
23rd February 2012
The Times newspaper pointed out to the Police the potential for a conflict of interest by involving the Humberside Force in the investigation into the non-disclosure of the metal box containing Paula’s earlier diaries and other material. A former Chief Constable of the Humberside Force had a previous involvement in the Gilfoyle case. Merseyside Police and HM Inspectorate issue a joint statement as follows;- “In order to avoid concerns that there might be a conflict of interest, it is the view of HMIC and the Chief Constables of Merseyside and Humberside that another force should be appointed to carry out the external review. This is not a reflection on the integrity of the two forces involved, it is to ensure any perceptions of conflicts of interest are addressed. “HMIC will assist Merseyside in appointing another force to carry out the review, and work undertaken by Humberside Police to date will be passed to the new force. “It would be inappropriate for us to comment further at this time.”
28th February 2012
Matt Foot raises his concerns with Ken Clark MP Minister for Justice, about the potential conflict of interest that arose involving Humberside Police.
March 2012
Avon and Somerset Police are appointed to investigate the non-disclosure of the metal box containing Paula’s earlier diaries and other material.
30th March 2012
Eddie's sister, Sue Caddick, spoke at a Symposium in London on the Criminal Cases Review Commission organised by Innocence Network UK Bristol University.
Spring 2012
Eddie's Case Review Manager at the CCRC is replaced due to her being promoted within the CCRC. A new Case Review Manager is appointed which will inevitably cause further delays.
Spring 2012
The ‘Eddie Gilfoyle Support Group’ is formed and chaired by veteran campaigner Paul May.
July 2012
Further submission (5 pages) are submitted to the CCRC.
30th July 2012
Eddie’s solicitor, Matt Foot complained to the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve that he is experiencing problems with Merseyside Police and Merseyside CPS concerning the disclosure of documents including disclosure of the Humphreys report and material.
13th August 2012
The Attorney Generals’ office said that Andrew Edis QC, Treasury Counsel (Independent counsel appointed by the Attorney General) has been instructed to investigate the disclosure issues surrounding the Humphreys investigation and reports. Also, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer has agreed to provide to Eddie’s solicitors (via Merseyside CPS) a digital copy (computerised discs) of all the case material held by the CPS.
September 2012
Avon and Somerset Police produce their report (Operation Vellore) into the reasons why for at least 16 years the police had not disclosed to the defence the ‘metal box’ containing Paula’s earlier diaries and other material.
Autumn 2012
CPS provide a digital copy (computerised discs) of all the case material held by the CPS. (Some 30,000 pages). Many of the documents on the discs are blanked out. The CPS blanked out any documents they deemed of a sensitive nature including those that might be subject to Public Interest Immunity (PII) such as the ‘Gooch Report’ and those subject to legal privilege.
23rd November 2012
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick spoke in London at the 7th Annual Conference of the Innocence Network UK (INUK).
2nd December 2012
Andrew Edis QC, Treasury Counsel completes his report on the disclosure issues surrounding the Humphreys investigation and reports.
8th December 2012
A booklet about the case, produced by the veteran campaigner, Paul May was launched at the House of Lords. The event was hosted by Lord Hunt of Wirral. The booklet describes 20 years of non-disclosure and delay in the case of Eddie Gilfoyle.
13th February 2013
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick spoke in London at the BPP Law School.
18th February 2013
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick spoke in Plymouth at Plymouth University.
20th February 2013
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick spoke in Bristol at Bristol University.
13th March 2013
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick spoke in Southampton at Southampton University.
14th October 2013
Eddie was interviewed by David Jessel for the ‘Justice Gap.’ David Jessel is a journalist and presenter and was a former Commissioner at the Criminal cases Review Commission. In June 1996 he presented the Channel 4 ‘Trial and Error’ documentary on Eddie’s case.
25th February 2014
Eddie’s sister, Sue Caddick spoke at Cardiff University Law School Innocence Project’s Innocence Week.
3rd February 2015
Paul May (Chair of the Eddie Gilfoyle Support Group) and Bob Woffinden (campaigning journalist) gave oral evidence to the Justice Committee. Paul May commented on the length of time the CCRC were taking to come to a decision in Eddie’s case.
6th March 2015
The new and improved "Official Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign" website is launched.